Yearly Archives: 2015


Alex Willis MCIOB – Construction Director

By |2023-02-19T08:56:08+00:00December 7th, 2015|Architecture, Buildings, Construction, News|

Experienced construction professional with more the 18 years in the building industry. Working on scales of building work and specializing in unique bespoke builds where innovation and problem solving are key. “My aim to take our customers concepts and make them reality”

How We Manage Large Construction Projects

By |2023-02-19T08:56:13+00:00December 7th, 2015|Architecture, Construction, Engineering|

Technology is Here to Stay Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus purus nisl, elementum vitae consequat at, tristique ut enim. Sed ut dignissim leo. Nullam sed metus id sapien faucibus rhoncus sed at magna. Nullam eget ornare leo, eget aliquam ante. Sed cursus malesuada fringilla. Cras porta ipsum sed nibh consectetur,

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